Whether you have your own mail and file server or you want a cloud-based option, we offer fixed price unlimited support packages to keep you and your team running at 100% efficiency.
You will never again worry about nagging technology issues or surprise invoices.
We can support Windows and Macintosh environments; and we will support your employees in the office and in their home environments.
We also offer advice and competitive pricing on hardware, software and anything else you need to be productive.All for a low and fixed monthly fee.
Contact us to discuss your needs and we will prepare a personalized quotation.
We are pleased to partner with Microsoft to offer cloud-based software solutions, including:
· Microsoft 365 licenses
(Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc…);
· Windows 365
(cloud based computing); and
· Microsoft Azure
(cloud based backup and file storage).
Our pricing is competitive and is often lower than offered by Microsoft to individuals or small companies.
In addition, you can rely on our included support whenever you need to add, remove or change your Microsoft cloud services at any time.
Contact us to get a quote for your Microsoft cloud-based services.
We are still pleased to provide our renowned support to clients who don’t need our full support package but require specific assistance from time to time.
We can bill these services on an as-needed basis. We can also offer competitive pricing on hardware and software requirements.
Reach out anytime for help –
that’s what we do!
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